28 November 2011
Plenty to be Thankful For
16 November 2011
More to be Thankful for!
12. Sleep-I never get enough, but I love every bit I get!
13. Skiing-Makes me so happy. I also love meeting fun people on the mountain.
14. Tiff-She's always been there for me, and always will.
15. My Siblings-Obviously, they're awesome! I like that we are friends, and a support to each other!
16. Good Friends-Make even cold winter nights fun!
09 November 2011
"We should be grateful for all the tender mercies that come into our lives. We are unaware of hosts of blessings that we receive from day to day. It is extremely important that we have a spirit of gratitude in our hearts."
Elder Quentin L. Cook
October 2011 General Conference
I need to remember this. I need to remember that even though everything doesn't always go the way I want it to, I am still immensely blessed! So, to show my gratitude, in a very small way. I am going to be a copycat, and do an entire month of things I'm grateful for. Obviously there are more than just one per day, but I don't want to go crazy! So here are a few for the first few days of November. (In no particular order.)
1. Country Music-it makes me feel happy!
2. My Heated Blanket-for the cold nights, when we can't get our big house very warm.
3. Baking-It's a way for me to be creative and I love sharing with friends.
4. Exercise-This one may seem weird, but I love exercising and I love that my body can do it!
5. My Education-Thanks BYU!
6. Transportation-I am so glad I don't have to ride my bike everywhere in the freezing weather! I am also grateful I have a car that does well in the snow.
7. My job-It's not always my favorite, but I'm glad I have it, and that I'm pretty good at it!
8. My Mom-she is such a great lady! I never cease to be amazed at the things she accomplishes. I admire her love of the gospel and her ability to serve those around her, despite her own trials. I love her go-getter attitude and positivity!
07 November 2011
Some Fall
10 October 2011
The Apple Pie Series
25 September 2011
A Great Man
Dr. Christian Arthur Vikari completed his mortal journey on Aug. 31, 2011, after a long and difficult illness. To those of us who knew and loved Art, it seems too soon to say goodbye, yet, there is comfort in knowing this wonderful, compassionate man is now free of the pain and suffering he endured these last few years.
Art leaves behind a great legacy of love for family and friends; caring, compassionate service to others; and an unfailing love of God. All who came within the reach of his smile and warm embrace will long remember how good they felt when they were with him.
Art was raised in Washington, yet his life journey truly began the day he married his sweet companion, Valine. They have been devoted partners in life for 27 years and will be companions forever in the eternities. Art and Valine have been blessed with five beautiful and talented children.
Dr. Vikari practiced oral surgery in Issaquah, and was loved and admired by his patients, staff and colleagues. He cared deeply for his patients and they loved and respected him in return. Art found many ways to help others. He regularly shared his time and talents, and gave generously to others in need.
As a bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he ministered to the members of his congregation. He opened the scriptures to the hearts of those searching for answers; he counseled those with heartache and loss; he visited the sick and weary; and encouraged the youth to live up to the best within them. Art was a true friend to all who came within the sphere of his influence.
Art accomplished much in life and enjoyed a variety of interests, however, his greatest joy and satisfaction came from his family. Home was where he most longed to be. Above all else he will be remembered as a devoted husband and father who loved the Lord and did his best to serve those around him. He lived a life of selfless service and optimism for a brighter day. Throughout his life and even when suffering from difficult medical issues, Art would share his life’s motto: “It’s my best day yet!”
30 August 2011
Puff Pastry
On Sunday I tried my hand at puff pastry. Puff pastry is very flaky and has many layers of pie crust that basically puff up. It's supposed to be very delicate and buttery. But it is not easy to achieve this! You have to combine a dough package with a butter package by folding the dough around the butter. Then, you roll it out and refold it in thirds. Chill for an hour and then repeat the whole process 5 more times! I, of course, did NOT have this kind of time. So, I did chilled for 10 minutes in the freezer between each turn. The crust was very delicious and flaky, but I need to be sure and give it the right amount of time between each turn if I want it to be puffy. I topped the pastry with fresh peaches and sanding sugar. All in all, it was a good project. I'm excited to try making it again! (When I have more time to devote to the layers.)
Grand Teton Relay!
16 August 2011
More Pie Please!
01 August 2011
10 Times a Triathlete
27 July 2011
Oh yeah, I made some more pies
Cherry and almond galette, which I also did not enjoy. The nutmeg flavor was too strong for me.
While I was in Washington, I made a Rainier cherry pie with my Dad and blueberry peach pie with fresh fruit from the local stands. Delicious. Pictures to come.
Also, a little pie tidbit shared with me by my friend Dawn who owns an amazing bakery!
"10,000 years ago galettes were made of a grain covered (roughly ground oats, wheat or barley) honey (comb). As techniques for grinding grains into flours developed, this nutritious and portable treat evolved... until they transformed it to the pies we know today."