30 August 2011

Puff Pastry

On Sunday I tried my hand at puff pastry. Puff pastry is very flaky and has many layers of pie crust that basically puff up. It's supposed to be very delicate and buttery. But it is not easy to achieve this! You have to combine a dough package with a butter package by folding the dough around the butter. Then, you roll it out and refold it in thirds. Chill for an hour and then repeat the whole process 5 more times! I, of course, did NOT have this kind of time. So, I did chilled for 10 minutes in the freezer between each turn. The crust was very delicious and flaky, but I need to be sure and give it the right amount of time between each turn if I want it to be puffy. I topped the pastry with fresh peaches and sanding sugar. All in all, it was a good project. I'm excited to try making it again! (When I have more time to devote to the layers.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for letting me try your "project". Flaky and delicious is right:)
